A New Year at Circle Acres! — Ecology Action of Texas


Mailing Address:

Ecology Action of Texas
PO Box 1927
Austin, TX  78767

Phone: 512-322-0000






420 Kemp Street
Austin, TX, 78741
United States


At Ecology Action of Texas, our mission is to educate and empower people to create a healthier environment. 

Ecology Action has been at the forefront of waste diversion and conservation efforts since it's founding in 1969, from creating Austin's first recycling program, to our current work of recycling the landfill itself! In 2015 we closed our downtown recycling center to focus our efforts at Circle Acres, where we are transforming a former landfill into a nature preserve to be enjoyed by all. Through tours, events, volunteer days, summer camps, and field trips, we engage our community in landfill diversion and remediation, towards a vision of a zero waste world.


A New Year at Circle Acres!

Alden Larrick

The new year brought a new AmeriCorps team and a beautiful weekend at Circle Acres! With all of the cold, wet weather we've been having over the last several weeks, the sunshine this past weekend made for a really beautiful visit and great first community workday of the year at Ecology Action's 9.7 acre brownfield site.

The most notable recent change to the site is the new pavilion that is starting to take shape. The foundation work was by far the hardest part (we have the super human efforts of our Nov/Dec AmeriCorps team to thank for that!), and now, with much of the structure in place and part of the roof, it's exciting to envision what it will finally look like! 

With lots of other improvements on the way, we are looking forward to officially opening this space to the public in late Spring of this year. Contact us for more information on how you can get involved in this awesome project!